Pastor Sally Devotional 6/16
Blog | June 17, 2021
Dear friends,
Some of you may know by now that my father is in the hospital in Kalamazoo having been taken by ambulance around 4:00 AM Wednesday morning. When I heard what had happened my husband Mike and I immediately set out for Kalamazoo to see my dad and Battle Creek to check on my mother. Both of them are in their 90s. While we were enroute, Mike called his associate pastor, Pat, in Battle Creek where he serves to see what she knew about possible in-home help for my mother. Pat, who is filling in for Mike at the end of the month when we fly out to visit our new grandson commented, “Wow, you really are poster children for the sandwich generation!”
I heard Pat’s comment and smiled a rather rye smile. It’s really a bit overwhelming at times to be sandwiched between two generations that often have a lot of need. I sometimes feel squeezed. I sometimes feel squashed. I sometimes feel like I’m about to crumble, particularly when the needs of one generation impinge on the other.
But today I have decided to feel blessed. What a privilege to be able to care for my parents in their 90s! My husband’s parents died in their 60s and 70s. I am so lucky to still have my parents. I also feel incredibly blessed to be watching my two grandchildren grow and develop into delightful human beings, not to mention the joy of watching my children thrive. It hasn’t always been so. There have been moments when life has been hard because one or another of my family members has been struggling or in pain. It is heartbreaking to watch a loved one suffer. Still I feel blessed to be able to be with them at such times and to give away the ample love my Lord has poured into my soul to share.
Surely the writer of proverbs was correct when he wrote, “Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their parents.” Proverbs 17:6.
Pr. Sally
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