Pastor Sally’s Devotional 10/29
Blog | October 29, 2020
Dear friends,
My son, Austin sent me these pictures today. His wife Alicia painted these small rocks. They are going to be used as part of the church’s Giving Tree mission effort. They will be given as a remembrance to those who participate in the Giving Tree mission this year. I think they are beautiful. Just looking at them makes me smile.
It always amazes me how a little bit of beauty can lift my spirits. I keep bits and pieces around my desk area for just this purpose. Sometimes my eyes fall on one item or another. When that item has been created by someone I love it is even more special. These little bits of created beauty, I think are part of the image of God in us creeping out. In the book of Genesis we read that God created through the very words God spoke. I can’t quite decide if God is more of a poet or an artist, but that creative ability seems to define God’s nature. It’s something that have been passed on to we humans when we were created in the image of God.
So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them. Gen 1: 27
Take a look around you in the days ahead. Look for small bits of beauty… a leaf, a stone, a star in the sky and marvel at our artist God. Look also for small bits of beauty created by someone, perhaps someone dear to you, and give thanks for the joy these small bits bring.
Pr. Sally
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