From the Pastor's Pen

Pastor Sally’s Devotional 12/12

| December 12, 2020

Dear friends, 

I am feeling grateful this morning for doctors and nurses and medical personnel and especially for scientists!  We have a vaccine approved for emergency distribution!  There is a simple sense of relief flooding my soul today.  I know that we are not through with this pandemic.  In fact, it appears the next 60 – 90 days are going to be even more difficult.  But there is a new light on the horizon.


Paul writes in several places in his letters that the church benefits from the variety of gifts given to its members, and in turn the community and even the whole world benefits from the gifts of God’s Spirit poured out on the church.  In I Corinthians, Paul enumerates some of these gifts.  Here’s a part of this passage: The Holy Spirit is given to each of us in a special way. That is for the good of all. 8 To some people the Spirit gives a message of wisdom. To others the same Spirit gives a message of knowledge. 9 To others the same Spirit gives faith. To others that one Spirit gives gifts of healing. 10 To others he gives the power to do miracles.  I Cor 12: 7-10.


I am particularly giving thanks for the gifts of healing and the power to do miracles.  I know sometimes we wish we could see an obvious healing or a spectacular miracle right in front of us, but I think these are unusual.  We do, however, have lots of opportunity to see ordinary healings and mundane miracles.  We call these medicine and science.  But I wonder… is it possible the Covid healings that have been brought about by antibiotics, steroid treatments and new antiviral therapeutics are a gift God?  And is it possible that this miraculous vaccine brought about by the careful, thoughtful work of innovative scientist is something for which we should praise God?  Are any healings really ordinary?  Can a miracle of a vaccine developed in record time be called mundane?


Yep.  I’m feeling grateful to God this morning.  I am grateful to God for the gifts God gives his people – for curiosity, thoughtfulness, compassion, intelligence, the desire to help and do good and for love.



Pr. Sally

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