Pastor Sally’s Devotional J
Blog | April 18, 2020
Dear Friends,
I came across a quote by Dawna Markova in my personal devotions today. Markova is a long term cancer survivor and inspirational speaker. I wanted to share her quote with you.
“I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise.”
If I am counting correctly most of us are almost through week five of sheltering in place. I know sometimes it begins to feel like we are prisoners in our own homes, but I believe our sense of imprisonment has more to do with our state of mind than the walls that are protecting us from that tiny, deadly virus that, according to Mayor Robinson, is absolutely active and growing in Elkhart right now. Now is not the time to fling aside our safe havens; now is the time to embrace our lives while sheltering in place.
It may be tempting to assume life will begin again when we can go out and about again. I’d rather assume life is ongoing in the here and now. Now is a good time to take care of our homes, to clean and sort and fix things we never have time to fix. Now is a good time to weed the gardens and tend those tender new plants. Now is a good time to take care of our bodies; to walk and stretch and cook and eat delicious homemade healthy food. Now might be a good time to take up an old hobby you had forgotten, to express yourself in art or music. Most importantly now is a good time to love our families, to spend time with our children and to phone loved ones and offer words of hope and encouragement. And now is a very good time to read scripture and pray and drawn near to God. Life has not been paused. Life is different, and we are invited to embrace this life and make the most of it right now.
I look forward to embracing life with you in worship tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM as we gather to listen to God and to offer praises to our risen savior.
Pr. Sally
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