Youth Ministry

Youth Group
During the academic year we offer a time for 5th-12th graders to gather as a group. We meet weekly on Sundays from 5:30-7:00pm. Learn more and watch for updates on special events on our Youth Group page.
Whether your kids are in the upper elementary, middle school, or high school years, we know that there is a wide range in how they will choose to participate in worship. Even teens sometimes need help staying engaged.
We have teens who play music in our Traditional Worship service, help out in the tech booths, and participate in dramas in the Contemporary Worship service.
During our Contemporary Worship service, in the lower-level Coffee House, we offer:
- Worship kits – Red binders include a variety of options for youth to record thoughts about the pastor’s message, special moments, and prayers. There are also more complex coloring pages.
- Books – Along with picture books for children we have books for older children and teens to read
- Activity tables – Teens are always welcome to make a craft or help with the younger kids

Leadership Opportunities
Older children and teens are already developing leadership abilities. Whatever their talents and interests, there is most likely a way your kids can lead. Some of the ways our youth participate in leadership are:
- Playing an instrument or singing in worship
- Reading the Bible passage and other spoken parts in worship
- Participating in skits
- Assisting in the tech booth during worship
- Helping with Time Travel Camp/VBS
- Serving as a youth elder
Camps and Conferences
Some summer camps and conferences offered by or affiliated with our denomination include:
- Geneva Center
- Camp Pyoca
- Presbyterian Youth Triennium (July 28-31 2025; Louisville, KY)
- New Wilmington Mission Conference (July 19-24, 2024; Westminster College, Pennsylvania)