From the Pastor's Pen

Pastor Sally’s Devotional

| April 8, 2020

Dear Friends,

I was preparing for the Men’s Bible study tonight and came across one of my favorite passages in Mark.  It’s the story of the woman who anointed Jesus for his burial.  The story took place in the last week of Jesus’ life, during this week.  It is often selected for daily lectionaries on Tuesday or Wednesday of Holy Week.


In the story (Mark 14: 3 – 9) Jesus had gone to the home of Simon the Leper for dinner.  While he was at table a woman came in with an alabaster jar of pure nard which was very expensive.  She broke the jar and poured the nard on Jesus’ head.  Some of the disciples were appalled that she had wasted the nard on Jesus’ head when the perfume could have been sold for about a year’s wages and the money given to the poor.  Jesus, however, praised her for her kindness to him and said she had prepared him for burial. (Expensive oils and perfumes were used in preparing the body for final burial in a tomb.)


I like the story because the woman was extravagant with her love for Jesus.  In this Holy Week, I want to be extravagant in my love for Jesus. I want to think about Jesus a lot and remember all of the events of this last week even though some of those stories are so difficult to read and remember.  I want to sing songs and be at prayer and simply sit in the silence of God’s presence.  I hope you will join me in extravagant love this week for our Lord in however you work out your love for him.


 Pastor Sally

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