Pastor Sally’s Devotional 6/29
Blog | June 29, 2020

Dear Friends,
My oldest son says that he doesn’t read the news or watch the news because it makes him too angry or too anxious. This can’t be entirely true because he obviously has a sense of what’s going on in the world. Probably his younger brother, who is constantly watching the news, give him the update. I sort of wish I could follow my older son’s example because the news these days is upsetting. In addition to all of the problems we are having around the world, we also get to listen to everyone arguing about what’s real and what’s not real about all the problems we are having around the world. I find the news exhausting. It might be nice to know less about what’s happening, but unfortunately I believe, as your pastor, I need to try to keep apprised of what’s going on… particularly in our county.
There is, however, a greater reality that I also keep trying to hold before my eyes that provides a check on the anxiety the news at times creates. Paul at the end of his letter to the Christians in Thessaloniki, who had their own set of challenges, writes:
16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. I Thess. 5: 16 – 18
We are called to rejoice, pray and give thanks. It helps me in these tense times to look for something good over which I may rejoice. I don’t have to look very far. There are good people in our congregation. We live in a beautiful community. The rivers are a constant joy for me. My family continues to be a source of love and hope. Praying is the moment when I try to connect to God and to listen to God’s Spirit. There are lots of voices that call for our attention these days. Prayer is the time when we listen to God. Whenever I do listen well, I find that I want to give thanks for many blessings. I am thankful for new friends in Elkhart, for the good leaders in our church who are trying really hard to make tough choices, and for the love we have for one another. Rejoice, pray, give thanks. These are words to live by, especially in times where the path is a little uncertain.
Pr. Sally
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