Pastor Sally’s Devotional 7/21
Blog | July 21, 2020
Dear Friends,
This is one of my favorite pictures of Theo. You can see that he has been picked up by my oldest son, Stephen, who tossed him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Theo was just a puppy here – probably only 40 pounds. He was pretty wild with puppy joy at this point and this fireman carry was a great way to neutralize his energy. All three of my sons still pick him up this way. I think Theo likes it. I think he feels safe sort of like a baby that stops squalling when you swaddle him or her in a blanket.
You may notice that this picture was taken at Christmas. You can note the trees on either side of the walkway, the sled leaning against the porch wall and the red star. Christmas feels like safety to me. At Christmas we celebrate that God came to be with us. God became small and crept in among us to live life with us.
Incarnation, “God with us,” is an important bit of hope to hold on to in pandemic days. We are all so very tired of pandemic and all that it appears to have taken from our lives. It has not, however, taken God from us. God is still with us. On the days when I feel like I can’t quite stand it anymore, I like to imagine myself tossed over God’s shoulder and carried. God is that close.
Merry Christmas in July. We’re almost there… Remember God is with us, especially in the most difficult of days.
Joyous Noel!
Pr. Sally
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